آخبار عاجل

The Wonderful Relationship between Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Ali ibn Abi-Talib 6  Salwa Al-Mu'ayyad

05 - 07 - 2019 4:35 1790

Companions Othman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi-Talib and Abdullah ibn Omar, may Allah be
pleased with them, supported Omar ibn Al-Khattab's diligence concerning the distribution
of conquered lands. Omar wanted to achieve justice and the best interest of the Muslim
nation both under his rule and in the future.
Ali ibn Abi-Talib explained to the angry warriors the logic of Caliph Omar behind denying
them four fifths of war spoils, asserting that Omar wanted to achieve the major objectives
of Islamic Sharia Law, backed up by Quran verses. Ali ibn Abi-Talib cited the verses in
Chapter Al-Hashr that explain in detail the way to distribute whatever war booty the
Muslim armies gain. These are verses 7, 8 and 9, where Allah says,
"Whatever gains God has turned over to His Messenger from the inhabitants of the villages belong
to God, the Messenger, kinsfolk, orphans, the needy, the traveler in need- this is so that they do not
just circulate among those of you who are rich––so accept whatever the Messenger gives you, and
abstain from whatever he forbids you. Be mindful of God: God is severe in punishment. (7) The
poor emigrants who were driven from their homes and possessions, who seek God’s favor and
approval, those who help God and His Messenger- these are the ones who are true- [shall have a
share]. (8) Those who were already firmly established in their homes [in Medina], and firmly rooted
in faith, show love for those who migrated to them for refuge and harbor no desire in their hearts for
what has been given to them. They give them preference over themselves, even if they too are poor:
those who are saved from their own souls’ greed are truly successful. (9)
Omar and Ali agreed that these verses encompassed all Muslims and that every Muslim
had a right to these spoils of war and lands that had come under Muslim rule.
After consulting and gaining support from the Ansar of Medina and the Emigrants of
Mecca, Omar imposed Jizya (a tax) on adherents of other religions in the conquered lands
that received Islam approvingly. Non-Muslims were exempted from military service and
engaging in war to spread Islam, but any one of them who joined the army was exempted
from paying Jizya. Besides, Omar exempted elderly and poor non-Muslims from paying
Jizya, and even paid them pensions.
Omar ibn Al-Khattab also consulted Ali ibn Abi-Talib as well as the Companions, the
Emigrants and the Ansar, and agreed with them to leave the lands conquered by the
Muslim armies for their original owners to invest in them and pay a tax for the Muslim
State. On the other hand, Muslims paid Zakat (Obligatory Charity) on their trade and crops
throughout the Muslim State.
Omar ibn Al-Khattab's high esteem of Ali ibn Abi-Talib during the former's Caliphate was
as clear as the sun and contradicts all the false allegations that try to distort their
marvelous relationship. The clearest evidence on that is that Omar made Ali his chief
advisor and consulted him regarding so many issues that faced him as Caliph.
*The expenses of Caliph Omar
After assuming the Caliphate, Caliph Omar did not assign any salary for himself until he
started getting poor. Before becoming ruler, Omar earned a living through working in
trade, but after assuming the Caliphate, he got too busy to see to his trade, so he had to
abandon it.
Omar consulted the Companions of Prophet Muhammad to decide how much salary
should he take from the treasury to support himself and his family. Othman ibn Affan
said, "Enough to support you and show hospitality to your guests and the poor".
Companion Sa'id ibn Zaid supported Othman's opinion.
Omar ibn Al-Khattab then sought opinion from his advisor Ali ibn Abi-Talib, who said,
"Take what suffices you and your children in a fair manner". Yet, regarding the matter of
spending from the public treasury, Omar was very hard on himself as well as on his wife
and children, following in the footsteps of the honorable Prophet.
Omar's children complained to their sister Hafsah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad, that
their father, Caliph Omar, was very hard on them and did not give them from the
abundant wealth that poured over Medina from the conquests. Omar said to her he
followed the example of his two companions, the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr AsSiddiq.
Then Omar went out and addressed the people saying, "I will tell you what I take for
myself from Allah's money (Muslim Treasury). I take two pieces of garments; one for the
winter and one for the summer, a ride to go to Pilgrimage and Lesser Pilgrimage on, and
what secures my family the food of the average Quraishite man, not the richest nor the
poorest. Other than that, I am like any other Muslim and I earn an equal share like anyone
of you." Then Omar explained, "I deal with Muslims' treasury as I would with the wealth
of an orphan: I would manage without it if I can, and when I really need to take from it, I
take in a fair manner ".
Omar said that during a time when wealth and treasures were pouring onto the Muslim
State because of the conquests, but Caliph Omar wanted to meet his Lord clean from any
sins. The Quran explains that public wealth is only for the people and for developing the
state. It is not the property of the ruler and his family, and they will be held accountable
for that on Judgment Day. TO BE CONTINUED

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